Servicing your vehicle regularly will help to extend the life of the vehicle. Sometimes a potential catastrophic defect can be found before it is serious and can be fixed and resolved cheaply.
If you spend small amounts of money in your vehicle and keep on top of maintenance the following benefits are likely
Reduce the time the vehicle is off the road.
Reduces the long term repair costs over the life of the vehicle.
Reduces the chances of a breakdown.
Reduces the chances or road accidents down to mechanical failure.
Regular vehicle maintenance means less unplanned inconvenience or unforeseen expense, greater fuel economy and longer life expectancy. For example, if you replace brake pads before they start damaging the discs you don’t have to replace them.
Also, many people do not realise that you can now have your car serviced at a non-dealership garage without invalidating the manufacturer’s warranty. For the motor industry and small independent garages like ours is a big deal and is a massive saving for you, the customer.
Things you need to consider when getting your vehicle serviced:
If you do go to an independent garage, make sure that they are VAT registered.
Always give them your vehicles service manual to stamp it and make sure the service schedule is kept to.
Between vehicle, services try and look after your car or bike by keeping fluids topped and doing regular checks.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please get in touch with so we can see how we can help you at MK MOT.